Snowflakes take time. (Mariia Tagirova/Shutterstock)

2021 at the Speed of Nature

Bridget Hylak
2 min readDec 31, 2020


Please read this… slowly.

Forget the frenzied speed and uncertainty of 2020. It’s time to let go of the fear.

Live 2021 at nature’s speed.

As fast (or slow) as a tree grows; as deliberately and unrushed as the seasons change — a glorious, organic, wi-free existence.

Even as together we face an unclear future, we can be purposeful about who we are as creatures of a world with a timeline, with a daily dawn and dusk, with gestations and limits and starts and ends that are predetermined and cannot be forced to complete or begin.

We all need to

slow down.

We all need to


Some scenic relaxation: peaceful music to the scene of a rippling brook… just rippling along… rippling and rippling. That’s all.

Some soul food: a sunset over a lapping ocean… just lapping and lapping, as the sun sets and sets some more, brilliant colors erupting, the soul marveling at the majesty. That’s all.

Some quiet intention: giant, fluffy snowflakes falling in the mountains to the rhythm of George Winston’s “Winter”… as easy as a YouTube stream to your computer or TV that suddenly fills your tiny apartment with calm and bliss.

An inhale, an exhale. A murmur of gratitude to the Creator.

One thing at a time, one breath, one chore, one thought.

Nothing in nature multitasks.

A smile, a kind memory— friends and puppies, sacrifices and longings. But always being kind, to others and to yourself. That’s all.

Kindness to oneself is paramount. Forgive yourself. You were trying the best you could with what you knew at the time. Forgive others for the same reason. Put 2020 behind, and all the years behind it, further away still. And then…

An inhale, an exhale. That’s all.

STOP: all the needless noise, all the wasted bustling.

STOP: the balances and the checks, the loaded closets and spilling shoes. Three cars for one owner, with nowhere to go.

We all need to

slow down.

To sit, to stay — and to roll over a few times for fun.

There is a reason and a purpose as long as we are breathing and giving ourselves permission to exist quietly, secretly, peacefully — with others and with the Source of Life, the One who knows our secret name.

An inhale, an exhale. That’s all 2021 needs to be.

Give yourself permission to exist at the speed of nature. There’s time.



Bridget Hylak

Certified Court Interpreter (AOPC) and Translator (ATA). Translation Localization Consultant. Encourager. Believer. Word-lover. Mom. Stanford University '87.